FINAL Has a certain ring of... finality to it. But while the Freshman through Senior Classes of Lone Oak High School may end along with its designation as a High School, the building, the history and certainly the memories live on - as long as an alumni lives, the memories will be there.
For 2013, Matt Houser became Principle with Angie Woods, Kent Green and Tony Jarvis as assistants. The Class of 2013 totaled 209 with well over 1000 total enrollment in all grades. The new MCHS was complete except for final touches and the moving in of hundreds of faculty, aids, staff, and class room equipment much of which was coming from the old schools. The Class of 2013 along with all other students spent much of the last weeks packing and preparing for the move planned for June.
We can thank the Class of 2013 for documenting the final class very well and for ending both sports and academic histories with exceptional marks. Thank you Class of 2013.
For 2013, we have the Oak Leaves Annual in all it's colorful glory, along with the sports and end of year suppliments. We also have the 2013 editions of the on line newspaper NewsFLASH and another News Letter called the CID news letter. We hope you enjoy the collection for 2013 and if you have addition information that is applicable to the Class of 2013, please e-mail the site Webmaster. Please provide contact information so that we may reply.
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