The John Robinson Memorial Scholarship continues to Make a Difference in the lives of McCracken County graduating seniors. As of 2022, more and larger awards are granted annually and all McCracken County high School Seniors are now eligible. Students desiring consideration should check with their house counselors by phone or e-mail for qualifications and applicatins. Deadlines for submission is March 31st.
"Who has had the biggest impact on your life?"
Such was the thought-provoking topic among a fall 2000 gathering of
ol' friends. They remembered family of course, then teachers and community leaders; each listing from their own
experiences. But this group of 1966 Lone Oak High graduates, most attending LOHS from the 1st grade, quickly found
a common thread. Someone that most LOHS students of their day took for granted just because he was always there,
in control, often feared, but always respected, someone that everyone - students, faculty, even parents - called "Mr. Robinson." Stories flowed and
the reminiscing became an idea that something should be done to honor this leader who had so impacted all their
lives and their alma mater.
Soon the idea spread to other classmates and classes from the Robinson years. Everyone
remembered the impact John Robinson had on LOHS and its students through some of the most formative years of their
lives and of the school. The idea became a plan for honoring Lone Oak High School's former Principal of 21 years
and a dream of continuing his career long focus on students by establishing an ongoing endowment fund to provide
scholarships for graduating LOHS seniors.
That's how it began. Now, after years of hard work, through the contributions and dedication
of thousands of LOHS alumni, staff and friends from the Robinson years and beyond, that dream is a reality. This site
is dedicated to the memory of John E Robinson; his contribution to Lone Oak High School; and to the scholarship fund
that carries his charity to the next generation.
About This Site
This web site is dedicated to the memory of LOHS Principal John E Robinson and to the Memorial Scholarship Fund that bears his name. With history of how the memorial began to activities by the alumni to support the on going Scholarship fund, the pages herein include the many accolades from those who lives were directly touched by Mr Robinson's love for his students, those who have benefitted from the fund and remembrances of the many great events promoted by the John Robinson Scholarship Committee and Lone Oak Alumni Association. Many thanks to the thousands of LOHS alumni, faculty and friends that have made this continuing memorial possible.
Obviously, this is the "home" page where it all starts. News items and announcements will be posted as appropriate, Photos and other content may be accessed through the menu on the right. Menu selections may link to other menus if the content is further divided into subcategories. Clicking on the header image will return to the LoneOakAlumni.Org main page.
Many thanks to everyone who has made this effort the success it has become. Since 2003, the fund has awarded well over $175,000 in scholarships to over 75 graduating Lone Oak Students. Through investments and continued contributions, the endowment fund continues to grow with support from alumni across the country. Scholarships continue to be planned that will continue the tradition established by John Robinson many decades ago.
In 2015, having reached and exceeded all planned goals for the scholarship program, the oversight committee formerly known as the John Robinson Scholarship Committee, transferred administration of the fund; including application and award; renewal; and payment processes to the Community Foundation of West Kentucky. Student application for the scholarship may be obtained from the house counselors at McCracken County High School. Questions concerning awards, payments and processes should be directed to the address and phone number of Community Foundation of West Kentucky as shown herein.
Many thanks to those who served on the JERS Committee through the years and worked hard to make the John E Robinson Memorial a success.
Mail Tax deductible donations and direct all questions to:
John E Robinson Scholarship Fund
Community Foundation of West Kentucky
P.O. Box 7
Paducah, KY 42002-0007
The John E Robinson Scholarship Fund is an endowment fund established through the Community Foundation of West Kentucky for the granting of post-secondary education grants to qualifying graduates of the McCracken County High School of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The John E Robinson Scholarship Fund is managed by the Community Foundation of West Kentucky. Questions concerning the operation of the John E Robinson Scholarship Fund should be directed to the Community Foundation of West Kentucky via the contact information provide elsewhere herein.