In 2009, three ladies from the Class of 1979 started their own class web site in preparation for their 30th reunion. Since then, the web site has grown to be one of the most widely used web sites for Classes well beyond 1979. You can regularly find news, announcements and interesting memories from almost all LOHS Classes. There is no charge for the Class of 79 web site, although donations are accepted and appreciated. If you register in your class, you can receive e-mail notices about your class and the school in general. Many thanks for Gayna, Lynn and Kelley for their hard work.
You may access the LOHS ALUMNI / CLASS of 1979 web site via the menu link or the icon above. We also promeniently post a link to the web site on the Alumni Association Home Page.
210 Seniors are listed in the 1979 annual as graduating, one of the largest classes LOHS had produced, earning many honors and recognitions in the process. Bernie Behrendt continued as principal leading a very talented faculty.
We hope to build on the collection for 1979, but hope you enjoy what we have. If you have addition information that is applicable to the Class of 79, please e-mail the site Webmaster. Please provide contact information so that we may reply.
Viewing and Downloading Photos
Photos on this site are presented in reduced size for ease of site design, along with occassional commentary on the image or the event. Click on an image to open a larger image. If the image doesn't display fully within a mobile window, try rotating the device to widen the screen. Clicking on the enlarged image window will close it.
To download a photo, you may right-click on either the small or the enlarged image and select "Save image/picture as". This allows you to save the full sized image to a file on your computer. Even though the displayed image is sized to fit your screen, the photo will be saved in its full original size.