Lone Oak High School
Class of 1966 Collection

Class of 66 - 20yr Reunion 1986

Another five years had passed and it was time again for another party. Could any of us believe it had been 20 years since we all departed from Lone Oak High? This time our reunion planners scheduled our August cocktail picnic in the air-conditioned comfort of the Executive Inn in downtown Paducah. So much for the family picnic, most of our kids were now teenagers who didn't want anything to do with their parents fuddy-duddy friends.

Saturday night was more cocktails, dinner and dancing - something we'll never get too old for - at the Paducah Westwood Country Club. Fifty-five classmates with many spouses, now as much a part of the family as classmates, were in attendance along with a few faces not seen since high school. While we still had some we could not locate, fortunately no other classmates had passed during the previous five years.

Our group picture for this reunion is above, along with some additional pictures made from Larry Heavrin below that provide an almost wide angle perspective. Pictures from the Friday and Saturday night events are also accessible below. Thanks to all that contributed.

We hope you enjoy the memories from our 20th Anniversary Reunion.

20yr Reunion Social

20yr Dinner at Westwood