Summer Break

Monica Muñoz, Staff writer


    This is a time that I know we’ve all been waiting for; Summer break! It’s time for sleeping in late, lounging by the pool, and being worry free. We’ve been going through the same motions all year long and what better way to celebrate the end of Lone Oak as we know it than to top it off with a perfect summer?

    Now, I know most of the time people run out of things to do by the end of the 1st month of summer. But, if you really put your mind to it, the options are endless! You could go to Venture River, the lake, downtown on Saturday nights, walk the riverfront, or even just lounge around by the pool. There are so many fun things for you to do.

    The only downside? The more fun you have, the quicker it will go by. That’s why you have to make the most of it while you can! We’re all in high school, and our time as children is coming to an end. Before you know it, summer won’t be a time for fun relaxation anymore, because you’ll be an adult. So therefore, have the time of your lives this summer LOHS!