Proud to be a ‘stang

Monica Muñoz, Staff writer


    We’ve all been hearing about this for such a long time- the day that all of McCracken County merges into one single school, and LOHS as we know it, ceases to exist. As the year dwindles down to the last few tests, we are reminded more and more that the day we’ve all been nervously anticipating is growing dangerously close.

    These last few weeks of school are going to be bittersweet for everyone. The seniors this year will be the last graduating class of Lone Oak High School, and the juniors will be the very first of McCracken County High School. I, for one, don’t know which is better. To end a legacy or create one?


    For the rest of you (sophomores, freshmen, and 8th graders), the simple fact that you’re going to be the first students to ever walk the hallways of this brand new school is amazing enough. Although we will forever be flashes, I think it’s time to set aside some room in our hearts for Mustang pride.