Feminist pride

Kasey ferrell, Staff writer


    Why does weight loss always seem to be the end goal for womyn?  It always seems like I am bombarded by it everywhere I turn.  Can someone not be beautiful, intelligent, humorous, or confident while also being fat (or rather not being stick thin)?  Focusing on a womyn’s body type rather than her character completely dehumanizes her.  And just for the record, “fat” is not synonymous with “sad.”  If you don’t love yourself now, you won’t love yourself 20 less pounds from now.  Love for one’s self needs to start now, not when one is thinner.  Do not let society dictate your happiness.  Realize that it is severely messed up and that you are allowed to be happy no matter how others see you.  I say, “forget society’s beauty standards” daily, and I always try to honor my curves and all my imperfections, you should too.  They’re  what makes you unique, so embrace your differences, and let your individuality shine through.

    It is true that for so many people it is the end goal to be “thin” and people believe it equals happiness.  It wasn’t until I moved here and met so many inspirational big and small people learning to love themselves as they were that I realized that I too could love myself for who I am.  There is nothing wrong with losing or gaining some weight, but weight is truly not a determining factor of our happiness at the end of the day (at least for most people).  Happiness is a choice we make in the moment.  Thinness doesn’t magically make an unhappy person happy.  Living life makes us happy, at any size! 

    Whose fault is it that womyn nowadays would rather suffer to be thin or to have the “perfect body” than accomplish great feats?  I’ll tell you who; society.  Society’s ideals of beauty are completely unrealistic, and not to mention, impossible.  They just want something to talk about, they love perpetuating beauty standards.  I can’t walk into a grocery store without seeing several magazines with stick thin womyn on their covers.  Every last one of them saying something along the lines of “Lose 20 Ponds In 3 Months!”, “My Best Body Ever”.  I saw one the other day with  Khloe Kardashian on the cover  The headline said, “Mocked as the ‘FAT’ sister for years, Khloe finally changed her diet and shape for good and gained a new confidence.”  I mean seriously, are you kidding me?! Who cares what some celebrity weighs?  Your weight is your own business and no one else’s (unless you are at a health risk, then it’s your doctor’s business, too).  Your body is your home, treat it with respect and decency.  Learn to start loving your body rather than continuing to wage a war against it.  You will not regret it.

    “The most beautiful people we know are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.  These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern.  Beautiful people do not just happen.”  -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross  I have always loved this quote.  -Here’s to remembering that everything has led up to this point.  This is for all of those beautiful womyn that don’t believe that they’re enough.  Here’s to anyone who’s ever felt like they didn’t belong, or that they weren’t good enough.  You are  good enough.  Stay calm and enjoy your life, because you only get one.  Real happiness lies in that which never comes nor goes, but simply is.