Giant Mosquitoes Likely to Infest Florida This Summer

Sydney Chambers

Staff Writer


    Giant mosquitoes, 20 times larger than other mosquitoes, are expected to invade Florida this summer.  They will attack fish, wild animals, and pets.  The mosquitoes are so ferocious they can eat small fish and tadpoles.

    “It feels like you’re being stabbed,” said Orlando resident.  While Florida already had a high number of these dangerous mosquitoes, also called gallinippers, they are predicted to plague Florida again this summer.  They appear usually after large rainstorms or floods.  After Tropical Storm Debby dumbed 20 inches of rain on some areas of Florida last June, the gallinippers were given the perfect breeding grounds.  The massive bloodsuckers are expected to hatch this year.

    “Because of the events last year, and the eggs laid, we can expect large numbers of these mosquitoes again,” University of Florida associate professor Phil Kaufman said. “We suggest people wear long-sleeve pants and shirts. But just doing that may not be enough for this type of mosquito; you’re going to have to use one of the insect repellants to dissuade them from landing. The bite really hurts, I can attest to that.”

    While the state’s normal mosquitoes bite usually at dawn and dusk, the gallinippers feed at all times.  Because of their large size, they may even be resistant to insect repellants.

    Even most clothes cannot stop the vicious insects.  “They’re biting through cotton canvas shorts," Florida resident Ken Clark claimed. “We’ve never seen a mosquito go through something like this.”

    Although these mosquitoes are not deadly and do not carry any human diseases, their sting can feel like being stabbed, and will leave an itchy mark that will not fade.