Hagel's nomination as defense secretary sparks controversy

Andrew DuBois

Staff Writer

Chuck Hagel is a man who many Republicans do not agree with. His views on Israel and the Patriot Act among other things sparked quiet a bit of controversy.


    Former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel’s nomination has been criticized by many Republicans over the course of the last month due to his past statements over sensitive political issues. In 2007 Hagel stated that some lawmakers were intimidated by what he called the “Jewish Lobby”. He also objected to the Patriot Act and criticized the Iraq War.

    Hagel also believes that radio show hosts like Rush Limbaugh do more harm than good and try to trip everybody down rather than supplying answers to the tough questions.

    Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri said of the Hagel nomination, “The president wants him in the room as he’s making important decisions. There’s no question about his integrity of character. I think the president deserves to have the cabinet he wants as long as the person is qualified. He is qualified and I think it’s despicable how his character has been impugned by some people through innuendo and inference!”

    David Rothkopf, editor of Foreign Policy magazine, thinks that the controversy of Hagel’s confirmation has been silly stating “The reality is that Hagel won’t drive defense policy, the president and politics on Captial Hill will.” he went on to say that he thinks it is time we stop focusing on Hagel and start focusing on real issues like resolving our budget issues or devising appropriate plans to get out of Afghanistan.