Kendall Greene

Staff Writer


    This year Lone Oak students gathered in the gym to celebrate the brave men and women who have sacrificed their time and took the ultimate risk to keep our country free. The Lone Oak Elementary school and the Lone Oak High School students came together to honor all of our veterans and the brave Americans still deployed.

    This year’s Veterans Day was a very exciting and respectful day. The Lone Oak  Elementary’s “Flashtastics” and our high school choir both sang beautiful renditions of moving songs. Lone Oak welcomed several guest speakers including the principal from Hendron Lone Oak Elementary.

    The touching assembly  really makes you appreciate how much freedom we still have in America. The right just to be able to gather in the school wouldn’t be guaranteed  without the men and women that bravely protect our rights, and gamble their lives for their country. This year’s assembly serves as a good reminder that we can always be thankful for all of the men and women that have ever served in the armed services, and for the families that support them through their struggles.