Obama and Romney Face Off on the Issues

Romney and Obama stare each other down after the third and final presidential debate on October 22nd.

Photo courtesy Getty Images

Andrew DuBois

Staff Writer

    President Barrack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney faced off in three debates during the month of October. The first of the three debates between the two candidates was on the anniversary of the President’s marriage, and some critics of Obama argue that you could tell. The critics argue that Obama was almost silent and that Mitt Romney had a much stronger showing. The polls actually support the argument, Mitt Romney gained a lot of traction in the national polls after the first debate. Most people say that Mitt Romney won the first debate.

    However, in the second debate Obama came back strong and on the offensive. He made references to his opponent’s records on issues and attacked strongly on taxes. Mitt Romney was also on the offensive during the second debate and he also brought up Obama’s record on the issues multiple times. There was an interesting moment when the President and Governor circled each other while exchanging heated words. It seemed a question couldn’t go by without the Candidates accusing each other of lying. The polls after the debate showed it to be rather close debate but Obama came out as the victor of the second debate.

    The Third and finale debate between the two was over foreign policy, a heated topic these days. The debate was more structured than the previous two and was moderated in a stricter manner as well. The debate covered defense spending, Israel, Iran, Syria, and much more. One of the most memorable quotes of the debates came out during a heated exchange in which Mitt Romney accused Obama of having a smaller Navy than we had in 1916. Obama sarcastically replied, “Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and Bayonets, because that nature of our military has changed. We have these things called Aircraft Carriers and these things that go under water, nuclear submarines.”

    The election isn’t over yet and both candidates are going to continue campaigning right up until election day. Next month we will know for sure who will have the most powerful job in the country for the next four years.