Lance armstrong gives up fight against doping allegations!


Lance Armstrong, decked out in biking gear, smiles for the camera.

Photo courtesy of Gail Oskin

    Late last month Lance Armstrong, the seven time winner of the Tour De France, gave up his fight against the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). Armstrong released an explanation saying, “I have been dealing with the claims that I cheated and had an unfair advantage in winning my seven Tours since 1999. There comes a point in every man’s life when he has to say ‘Enough is Enough’ and that time is now.”

     Armstrong had planned on racing in the Chicago Marathon this month to raise money for the Live Strong foundation but the race organizers say that he is not allowed to to participate.

    Travis Tygart, CEO of the USADA, responded to the growing criticism of his organization’s actions saying, “When he chose not to contest the overwhelming evidence of his cheating Mr. Armstrong was well aware that he was accepting ineligibility from world-class athletic events like the Chicago Marathon.” Armstrong said that he won’t let this effect his Live Strong foundation and that they are doubling down in their commitment to support cancer survivors.

Andrew DuBois

Staff Writer