Lone Oak High School
Class of 2009 Collection

2009 Annual "The Flash"

The 2009 LOHS Annual, is presented below as scanned page images and may be viewed or downloaded as a PDF document via the link above. For 2009, the annual as "The Flash" with an ever increaslingly colorful and bright design with over 200 pages. As in previous years this years annual is a seachable document using the search features of Acrobat Reader and as such it is rather large file; 28MB.

The 2009 Flash was obtained from the high school's library collection in very new condition, and we wanted to return it in the same condition. In an effort to not overly damage the annual, some of the scans were not the best. The content is still readable and enjoyable, and we hope it is useful. Many thanks to Principal Brian Harper and Librarian Brenda Metzger for allowing us access.