About This Site
1977 witnessed several changes to LOHS life. Among those was the continuation from 76 of color and informal senior pictures. Shown in natural settings with real clothes - of the students choice - one cannot understate the milestone this represented. Unfortunately, the settings and the pictures came with a price outside of the annual, such that now the senior pictures were optional and as in 76, out of a class of 180+, only 144 are shown in the annual.
Football is now firmly rooted as the dominate sport among a long list covering ever known American sport. The 77 varsity basketball team boasted an impressive 22 wins 5 losses for the season including tournament play. The Kentucky Colonels Marching Band continued to land honors statewide and nationally. And the Madrigals were now an established tradition adding that touch of class to an already outstanding curriculum.
Bernie Behrendt continued as principal of a continually growing student body which for this year exceeded 900 with over 230 just in the Freshman class - a sign of things to come. Considerations for future expansion were already underway.
In the 1977 Oak Leaves was a picture of the Class of 77, it is shown to the right. Also included is a scan of the photo at 600dpi which allows recognition of each graduate. Please note: this was scanned from magazine grade imaging so depending on the resolution of your viewing devices, a Moire effect may be seen.
We hope to build on the collection for 1977, but hope you enjoy what we have. If you have addition information that is applicable to the Class of 77, please e-mail the site Webmaster. Please provide contact information so that we may reply.
Viewing and Downloading Photos
Photos on this site are presented in reduced size for ease of site design, along with occassional commentary on the image or the event. Click on an image to open a larger image. If the image doesn't display fully within a mobile window, try rotating the device to widen the screen. Clicking on the enlarged image window will close it.
To download a photo, you may right-click on either the small or the enlarged image and select "Save image/picture as". This allows you to save the full sized image to a file on your computer. Even though the displayed image is sized to fit your screen, the photo will be saved in its full original size.