About This Site
Thanks to several 1965 classmates including Sue Benton Reeves, Carolyn Grimes Massa and Gelia Jones Chappell, leading up to their 50th Anniversary Reunion in 2015, we were given a treasure trove of documents and pictures from High School through the 50th. After a long time of processing, we have all those documents available for viewing. Thanks Class of 65!
The 1965 Flash continued in the footsteps of 1964 to establish the tradition of annual publications that was destined to continue. Ms Nagel and the Journalism Class continued to spearhead the effort backed by continuing Principal John Robinson. We are certainly glad they did.
The Class of 65 consisted of 145 seniors. Born in 1947 and starting the 1st grade in 1953, statisticians would call this class the "leading edge" of the baby boomers, and from the classes to follow, we should believe it; 140 Juniors, 155 Sophomores, 177 Freshmen, 179 8th Graders, 197 7th Graders. And to think this same building once held all 12 grades.
The 1965 Flash had an interesting picture on the inside of the cover both front and rear. Shown in composite to the right, this is the entire Class of 65 at the front of LOHS. A higher resolution image is provided for your pleasure in seeing who you can find.
In 1965, Lone Oak High School and the ever growing and glowing band and orchestra program under the direction of Richard Petty received a very special honor - that of marching in the 1965 Presidential Inagural Parade in Washington DC. It was indeed a once in a lifetime event for all who participated and proudly watched at home. The Oak-K Newspaper Staff documented the trip with pictures and numerous articles in the January 29th issue. Use the links above to access the Oak-Ks for 1964-65.
We hope you enjoy the collection for 1965 and if you have addition information that is applicable to the Class of 65, please e-mail the site Webmaster. Please provide contact information so that we may reply.
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