1951 Newspapers
Of the 8 issues that were reportedly published, we only have three and we are fortuunate to have copies of the Oak-K newspapers for the dates listed to the right. Thanks to Betty Jo Weitlauf Jones '61, the 1st edition of the school year, September 27th, is available to remember. The November 22nd edition was provided by Kim Helfer Tate. The March 7th edition, was found in the Journalism Department archives none the less for wear. Thank you, everyone!
The big black sections, as we've seen in previous issues, is not a redaction for security purposes, but holes cut in the pages. It seems that some may have been the working copies for the staff.
These documents are presented in PDF format to allow local viewing control of the document without fancy web controls. As such, you may download the edition of the Oak-K from the menu above. And we are hoping at some point to be able to add other editions to the collection.