1946 Newspapers
Oak-K Newspapers from the 1945-1946 School Year may be found via the menu to the right all presented in PDF format for viewing or download. There were likely 8 editions published for this school year, based on the number and dating of issues in following years. If so, we are at least missing November, April and May editions. All editions were in 4 page format on standard newsprint of the time. At this point there was no Journalism Department, the Oak-K newspapers were compiled, edited and published by the Senior Class. Great job Seniors.
Following the war years, the recovery to some sense of normalcy is evident as the school builds upon successes and continues to grow. Our appreciation to the Oak-K staff for the excellent reporting and articles of 1946. Focusing as much on the community as well as the school, we even find social news spread throughout. We hope you find glimpses of the past enjoyable. We hope you enjoy these memories.