1942 Newspapers
So far, we only have one issue from the school year 1941-42. This issue was found in the LOHS Journalism Department archives while researching the archival project.
The 1942 issue is shown as Volume two, which Verifies that the Oak-K Newspaper was started during the 1940-41 school year. The volume number varies in later class years with some that range + or - two years of the Class of 41. While some are obvious opps, some of the variations in later 40s lead speculation that publication during the war years may have not occurred. The issue number "6" indicated the publication was monthly.
The events of the era color the contents of the Oak-K Newsletter, but many articles about school life, sports and classes contain facinating information about school life at LOHS. From one of the items we also get a look back in time from 1942. Many thanks to 2013 Oak-K Advisor Kelli Bowland and Principle Matt Houser for allowing us access to these and many more issuses.